Wednesday, 12 November 2008

Mothers Uncovered: Facebook

Well I just thought we would say Hi.

I went to mothers Uncovered Monday and it was lovely.
Seeing all the pictures, FANTASTIC, you forget how small the little ones were. It seems so long ago now.
defiantly bought back some lovely memories!!!
So Maggie .... THANK YOU!!! Sorry I left early but it was the first time I have left Sophie for that long and I was getting a little panicky, I haven't managed to cut the apron strings properly yet.

Well whats been happening....

SHE SLEEPS!!!!! I found that she likes to be snug and warm now ( warmer than recommended ). I bought some fleece sleep suits and she sleeps for nearly 5 hours at a time. AMAZING!!!

I had to post this photo of my little angle, she has been drawing/scribbling since 1 month old ( with help ) now she does crayons/felts etc on her own but every time I tried to get my paints out she always wanted to try so I thought why not... as you can see I let her go a little mad but she loved it. acrylic on canvas... art in progress, apart from the hand print which I helped her with, its all her. then when it was time to clear up she cried... BLESS!!!

It would be nice to know how everyone is, I quite often look at the site to see for reply's / updates etc.
Well We had best go... Hope to see you all soon... maybe 1st Friday? hopefully sooner! Take care...
Heidi and Sophie xx

Friday, 7 November 2008


Mothers Uncovered is now a group on Facebook. No idea how to send a link out but I'm sure if you're already on Facebook you can manage to sign up.

See you all next week at the exhibition

Monday, 3 November 2008


Some of us went to 'Home' on Queens Park Road (at the bend where it turns into Egremont Place) about ten days ago to scoff pancakes. It was thought an excellent plan to make it a regular occurence, so introducing ....

First Friday.....

whereby on the first Friday of the month (I.E THIS WEEK!!) whoever is free to gather at Home from 11ish to whenever (but I'd need to go by 1.00 or so) to eat, drink and be merry - or miserable - as the mood takes them.For those that are working/doing other things/live too far away - please do set up your own meetings - post on the blog, that's what it's there for. If you're having trouble with the blog, please let me know.

Also, I've heard from about half of you that you're coming to the exhibition. It would help to know when you're coming, because I can then bring your photo/DVD on that day. And I'm still waiting on a couple of cards to add to the album.
all the best


Thursday, 16 October 2008


I hope you've all received your invites by now. Don't forget to tell me when you're coming.
Also, does anyone fancy going to Home (home, indeed, of lovely pancakes) on Queens Park Rd on Fri 24th for brunch.
And lastly, I have a lovely cleaner called Fraser (yes, a man that cleans!) that is looking for more work. Anyone interested call him direct on 07876430072

Friday, 3 October 2008


To all babies.
Yes it is amazing 9 months old and all ready I can type on the keyboard, I would send texts but Mummy says that I am all fingers and thumbs where that is concerned!
Mummy is taking me to the King Alfred on Monday 6Th Oct @ 10am as I have a swimming lesson at 10.30am until 11.15am with the Little Ducklings ( its £4 ) and I was wondering if any of my little friends would like to come and join me in a round of splashing and kicking water at the adults? I promise that this time I will leave some of the water in the pool for swimming and playing and not try to drink it all!!
There are a few of us going but I was wondering if anyone else would like to come?
Also in a couple of weeks there will be a photographer there to take photos of us babies swimming under the water and having fun.
I love going swimming and splashing with all my little friends so I will hopefully see you all Monday.
Love Sophie x
P.S. Mummy also wants to know when the next meeting for pancakes is, no doubt I will get stuck with overcooked limp broccoli and cauliflower with a side order of more rabbit food. I'm telling you when I get to learn how to say more than ' mum mum mum mum ' I going to order a big slice of chocolate cake with a side order of milk!!!

Wednesday, 1 October 2008


Hi guys
You'll be getting your official invite through presently. If there's someone you think should come to one of the participant/guest screenings, please let me know. Otherwise encourage friends etc to visit during one of the public screenings. The Brighton Photo Fringe got the venue wrong (*&^%!!) so ignore what it says in the brochure.......

Livestock presents MOTHERS UNCOVERED at The Tarner Children's Centre, Ivory Place, Brighton. 01273 296700

This exhibition is the result of three different groups of first-time mothers and their babies coming together to explore the rewards, expectations and challenges of motherhood. The sessions took place at Hangleton Park, Tarner and City View Children’s Centres.

You are invited to attend on ONE of the three dates below.
Photographs and writing from the participants will be on display, together with photography by Cecile Chevalier. There will also be an opportunity to view the film (30 mins approx) created from the sessions by Miriam King and to discuss the project.

These times are for participants and other invited guests.

Mon 10th Nov 6.00 – 7.15pm

Weds 12th Nov 3.00-4.45pm

Thurs 13th Nov 3.00-4.45pm

RSVP stating which date you will be attending to 01273 235336 or

Public viewings: Mon 10th Nov -Fri 14th Nov : 1.00-2.45pm ,
Mon 4.30-5.45pm

Thursday, 28 August 2008

Sleeping advice greatly appreciated!

Wondering if any mums have some advice re sleeping through the night. Maggie is just 6 months and after going to bed at 7, wakes for night time feeds every 4 hours. Having read alot! of info on the net I am totally confused as to whether she needs these breast feeds or if she has just got into a habbit? Have just started weaning which may make a difference (wishful thinking??)
Thanks so much for ANY thoughts/ experience you could share.


Friday, 22 August 2008

Hello everyone!

Thought I better add a little something while I have this rare opportunity.
I really enjoyed taking part in mothers uncovered. I find it gets boring at mother and baby groups where we dont seem to get past "how old is he?" and "how does she sleep?". Good to know we all have the same worries and questions.
Abigail is as busy as ever, She has been walking round furniture all afternoon and I have a feeling she will be off on her own very soon.
Hope everyone is well and happy! Karyn & Abigail xxx

Thursday, 14 August 2008


Calling all Mums.
Sorry for short notice...
There will be a few of us Mum's meeting at Queens Park for baby boogie etc tomorrow ( Friday 15Th ). @ about 11am.
If it's raining, there's a nice cafe nearby at the bottom of Queens Park Rd (where it becomes Egremont Place)- I think it might be called House.
Come join us, even if its just for Pancakes with golden syrup!
See you all there!
Love Heidi and Sophie. x

Tuesday, 12 August 2008

Hi everyone

Hi everyone. I've enjoyed being part of the Mothers Uncovered Project and especially the honesty of all the mothers. It was reassuring to hear how many different approaches to mothering there are, and that we can be supportive of each others' choices. It can be a bit lonely out there sometimes! Hope everyone is doing well.

I'm finding this new phase both amazing, exciting and quite challenging as Jude becomes more and more mobile ... I've just spent the past 3 1/2 hours trying to get him to stay asleep ...even though he is oh so tired, he keeps waking himself up by crawling backwards and standing up! Aah bless him.

Saturday, 9 August 2008

I have to show you this pic.
Anyone who knows me, knows that I have had so much trouble with getting my little one to sleep any more than an hour to 1.5 hours at any one time. Especially during the night. which I found very tiring and emotional at times.
4.5 hours !!!
Yippee... She has not done it since but this is such a mile stone for us I had to share it with all of you.
see you all soon.
Love Heidi and Sophie X

Tuesday, 5 August 2008

More Park Life....

Calling the Hangleton massive.......
It's been suggested Queen's Park should be the location on Fri am as they have the summer activities day there on Friday- baby boogie, play tent etc. If it's raining, there's a nice cafe nearby at the bottom of Queens Park Rd (where it becomes Egremont Place)- I think it might be called House. I'll be in one of those 2 places from about 11.00.

Thursday, 24 July 2008

Mothers Uncovered: Park life....

Mothers Uncovered: Park life....

Hi there all.

8th Aug @ 11am in Hove park sounds good to me, Thats if my brain still works then and I remember.
I thought that at about 7 months babies were supose to sleep around 14 hours within a 24 hour period???
Not mine..... she is sleeping on average 9 hours within 24 hours refuses anymore as she is now over tierd.....
HELP!!!! Anyone got any sujestions?
Regards Heidi and Sophie. x

Park life....

Does anyone fancy meeting in Hove Park (weather permitting) on Friday Aug 8th about 11.00?

Tuesday, 24 June 2008


I just want to say a HUGE thank you to MOTHERS UNCOVERED!!!

If you are a first time mum and are thinking about giving this group a go then it is a definite must!

I was quite nervous to tell the truth, I am not really a group person and find new experiences quite daunting but as I now know it really was nothing to worry about.
I thought I was the only one having the problems / experiences with my little one and that everyone elses child were so much better behaved ( not that you can say a 6 month old is naughty! ).

I found it a breath of fresh air to find out that I and all the other mums had so much in common with all the so called teething problems / worries with our children.

It was so nice to talk to friendly people, discuss your child without being judged!
It was also jointly shared when a positive happened ( for example first tooth ).

So for everyone in my group ( Fridays @ Hangleton Park ) HI... Hope you and your little angels are all doing great, We really must all meet up soon!!!

Many kind regards.
Heidi and Sophie. x.

Sunday, 22 June 2008

City View dates

Please help promote the sessions running at City View Children's Centre, Brighton General Hospital, Elm Grove on 17th Sept, 24th Sept, 1st Oct, 8th Oct - Wednesdays 2.30-4.30

Thursday, 19 June 2008

Welcome.......... all on the Mothers Uncovered project. Please share your thoughts on here. I can be reached on